Why is my bird so sleepy during his molt?

Growing new feathers takes a lot of energy, protein and calcium. During this time, the bird’s heat regulation may also be affected as the new feathers come in – they are covered in a sheath that the bird has to remove for the feather to fluff and provide insulation.

Energy to grow the feathers detracts from energy for other activities. During molt, be sure that food and water is offered where the bird is spending the most time so that he does not have to expend a lot of energy to get the food/water.

Excessive sleepiness and sitting in the bottom of the cage is not normal and there may be an additional health issue. Contact your avian veterinarian if this occurs.

Answered by Cathy Johnson-Delaney, DVM, Dipl. ABVP-Avian Practice, Dipl. ABVP-Exotic Companion Mammals. 

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