2 Conferences & a Move, Oh My!

If everything bad happens in threes, it seems only fair that the opposite is true. After a hellacious early Summer here in spite of some positives, I’m excited to move into a bigger house & attend a couple of huge West Coast bird/Finch events!

First up this weekend is the West Coast Zebra & Society Finch show in Sacramento. For those of you like me who have never been, or if you’re just arriving here and wondering what in the world it is, it’s an annual show that has some of the most prestigious & knowledgeable showers/breeders in the country (world imho). This is the place where you can find all of those obscure color combinations and rare mutations (even rare species). And the answer is yeah, I’m taking my travel cage with me!

Next week there’s the AFA 2014 Convention in Portland. This is the end-all event of the year, probably the biggest it’s ever going to be but without any actual bird sales oddly enough. This convention is something I’ve sadly missed since it was established on the East Coast (NC), and now they’re thankfully bringing it closer. Next year they’ll be hosting it in the midwest so this is definitely something you don’t want to miss on this coast!

Once those two whirl wind extravaganzas are over, I’ll be getting home on a Sunday night from the airport. The next day will be a Monday I’m not looking forward to moreso than usual – it’s our moving day! We’ll be moving into our new house on the 3rd of August with some help from my fiance’s family (thank God). I’ll be setting the bird room & aviaries up very early in the day, transferring the cages to the new place, then setting everyone up back to where they should be. I cannot wait for this day because being in transition really sucks! It sucks for the flock and for the humans, too. I’m excited to start decorating the new house and finally feel totally settled in.

We were originally considering a dozen houses in the country, then narrowed it down to the top 5. I posted the pond from our #1 choice on Facebook but that home owner was too slow to respond so I chose option #2 which is the only house we looked at that is NOT in the countryside. It’s actually in University Place by the water which is my absolute favorite part of this area. It’s a nicer part of town that I have come to know fairly well, and it’s also close to Point Defiance Park which is your own slice of wilderness heaven. Definitely will make visits to the aviary nicer, easier, and more time worthy considering the area.

Needless to say these next few weeks are going to be b-u-s-y beyond the usual. Please allow an unusual wait time of anywhere from 3-5 days or more for my response (usually it should be 1-3). When/if you do talk with me during this time understand I’m probably going to be scatterbrained. I’ll post updates on which hatchlings have hatched and what the new intricate nests from each pair look like after I get settled in. Can’t wait!!

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  1. Pingback: New House, New Bird Room, New Finches! | The White Finch Aviary

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